Srećko Horvat: The Easiest Way to the Gulag Is To Joke about the Gulag

  “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all." – Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass According to Russian historian Roy Medvedev, around 200,000 people in the USSR were sent to a Gulag for telling a joke. When a system is threatened by jokes ...


Nous Sommes Des Rebelles, Donc Nous Sommes!

However meticulous and ingenious the attempt of the kakistocrats to create a society of yea-saying acolytes is, as of now, in the Post-Fukuyamaist world, I'm pretty confident that they will never succeed in their attempts to institutionalize the youth for the youth of the 21st isn't a pet animal that could be domesticated or bestialized at will. My generation, a generation ...


Slavoj Žižek: Freedom in the 21st Century

In our permissive times, a new form of the unsayable is more and more acquiring a central role: it is not only that certain things are prohibited to say – the prohibition itself is prohibited: we are not allowed to say openly what is prohibited.Already in Stalinism, it was not only prohibited to criticise Stalin and the party publicly, it was even more prohibited to announce ...


The Taboo of Generational Schism We Know But Were Afraid To Say

A genuine political solution to Ethiopian problems could emanate from genuine efforts to narrow the generational schism that is plaguing the country: That Generation vs. This Generation, The 60s vs, Generation Z, Old School vs. Post-Millenials, The Old vs. The Youth (Often treated with contempt by the old elites). In the same accord, it is high time that the concerned ...


The Next Professors (Pejoratively Applied)

A Courtesy of Atlanta Fringe The next professors of the world will be open source-based ones. Their professorship, either as a title or a profession, emanates out of their status updates on social networks, video parodies on YouTube, Politically Correct Selfies on Instagram, ersatz critic blogs, number of likes and comments on their posts, followership of their hashtags, ...


‎Being Young In Africa‬

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."  - Frederick Nietzsche Being Young In Africa‬ is to dwell in a perilous condition of life. Being young is being the whipping kid. You are constantly despised for being, for demanding change, for moving too fast, for preserving your ...


Marwa Azab - A Generation Without a Past: The Lost Present

The present moment has been challenged to expand in spite of its limited capacity. Minute by minute, smartphone notifications from Facebook, Twitter, emails and other social media outlets, have imposed an entitled demand on what the present moment can offer. Unless we are traveling at the speed of light, time dilation is not an option. Although, there are situations when our ...


On Probing the True Nature of a Friend - Ptahhotep

If You seek to probe the true nature of a friend, do not inquire (after him), but approach him (yourself). (Then) deal with him alone, until You are no longer uncertain about his condition. After a time, dispute with him. Test his heart in dialogue. If what he has seen (of himself) escapes him, if he does a thing that irritates You, be yet friendly with him or be silent, but ...


On the Complexity of the Human Race- Paulo Coelho

Courtesy of Arcadian Life “What do you think of the human race?” asks a friend who has just graduated in sociology. “I think it’s strange – so alike and yet so different! We are capable of working together, of building the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, the cathedrals of Europe and the temples of Peru. We can compose unforgettable music, work in hospitals, ...


As A Nay-Sayer

Courtesy: Nuzzel.com One of the mottoes I advocate those in this age of instant life without "instant wisdom" is: Say Not To Conditioning through modern education and efficiency-based bureaucratic system that strives for national intellectual blindness!" I am  a nay-sayer to whatever is nonsensically collective and statistically, a majority without common elements ...