Those last few turbulent years, it's as if we don't have feelings - guided perception- of any sort anymore. Because of this benumbed sensation we can't even properly articulate, though in non-elitist terms, the myriad of disenchantments we've to go through on a daily basis for we're mostly left with no memory of their very occurrence. Universalized disenchantment with the Order - the Dominant Group, the Political Regime, the Capitalist Economy, the Fake News, the Subaltern Cacophony, the Mediocre Public Service, the Higher Education that Principally serves as the Industry of the Precariat to state just few of our objet petit a of an existentialist frustration - is the rule rather than the exception. As a desperate act of escaping this contagious affliction, we've come to espouse fanfaronade - swaggering, empty boasting, the ostentatious display of our poorly constructed, empty-shell persona that feigns invincibility - and molysomophobia, an excessive fear of contamination - by old or new alien modes of thinking, unorthodox use of language, "dangerous" yet meticulous prognosis of the fragility of the immanent contingency of a single object - narrative or praxis - , simultaneously. Hence, we committed an inconsiderate act of concocting a mélange out of oil and water.
The only palatable way out of this conundrum, at least for the time being, apparently appears to be a massive "inoculation" campaign by way of a recumbnetibus, a sudden, wake-up knockout punch both verbal and physical. But this metaphysical vaccination outreach must carefully be under the aegis of personalities with the prerequisite courage and knowledge to call a cunt a cunt, in lieu of a stunt performance for the incurably ultracrepidarian, individuals or groups with an irresistible urge to give opinions and advice on matters of supreme importance such as this, outside of their minimalist, parsimonious, bookish knowledge (or "expert advice" as they prefer to refer to their apparent pseudo-intellectualism and the accompanying insatiable thirst to carpe the troubled diem in light of their "forethought").