On Resurrection

Courtesy: Reform Magazine UK
I need to resurrect for I am dead among people who have died twice- before, death in this earthly and humanly realm and after, in the realm of the dead, the afterlife. My power of surviving alive from this necrocracy is a sign of glory and exuberance, while being among those dead cadavers is a sign of humility. In here, the house of the INSULTED & HUMILIATED is so wide that it incorporates the non-sense and the naive at a wider scale and scope. Millions of dead people from an isolated and barren necropolis wherever they go, are sowing the seeds of hatred, ignorance and profanity. No sign of life! Only their dead spirits lurk day or night.

As for me, I was in acute need of people with the soul and virtue in their blood and mind, necessary for enlightenment and spiritual exaltation of human beings to lead a life of consciousness, but not people whose switches to life are destroyed that they cannot be boot again.

Dead forever! I think they will make Osiris, the Master of the Underworld in Ancient Nubian and Egyptian Mythologies, heart-broken and unemployed so that he can’t measure their poor soul for they have died twice.

They died once and for all! Never coming back again! They went away with their dead spirit ad infinitum with no reverse way back to life, a life of consciousness and conscience. Those dead people’s history of living on earth and being the chosen and enlightened ones either in the PROLOGUE or EPILOGUE of life are null documents of and extraordinarily tabula rasic flavor.

Few people are alive here, for the only reason reason that there are many dead people around. Those dead matters give the datum line for measuring the amount of life in those so-called few alive people.

Here, the critical question is, “Why do people of those sorts (dead people in terms of consciousness) follow such a path of extinction than flowing through the ”Fall of Youth’ that entails the essence of life?”

And the Wise Advise, you ask? Non scholae sed vitae discimus. We don't learn for school's sake!