“I exist for those for whom I exist.”
Anastasia, The Ringing Cedars of Russia by Vladimir Megre

I always wonder why some individuals think we should exist, because they wished for that. But the reality is that existence is not something to be such a simple state of affairs in which a simple wish of some recessive and docile people turns into a reality. In the first instance, existence as an aspect of human being’s essence of life and continuity is well-understood by many individuals even at the most basic level. Two, whether they think other things should exist or not, the basic operation of existence is not that way i.e. other things exist or disappear whether they are given attention or not. Three, some people’s belief that I do not exist because they said so doesn’t fit the mood in which the basic principles of existence work. Four, many people believe in existence without being conscious about it; a phenomenon that could be labeled instinctual belief without prior proof and understanding of it. Five, for those people oriented by and obsessed with material beings or physical objects existence is that much small. A house is a house, nothing more. But a house is something made of wood, brick, mud, roof…in their physical forms composing it; a definition of existence that excludes the idea that a house to exist needs to be imagined in the natural imagery machine (nim) of human beings’ sense of existence, the human brain. On the sixth dimension, those people with half knowledge of existence cannot prove the existence or non-existence of an entity, though not always a must task that have to be undertaken with an obligatory tone. In that case a belief in the existence of a stone without consciousness, a sense of feeling that this entity’s existence endows to our sense organs and the understanding that follows this doesn’t make sense, philosophically tested: metaphysically questioned and epistemologically tested against its source of sense of existence and loss of an insight into it.

Apart from the ideas above what I would like to add to the observations, personally, made and subjectively interpreted, I firmly state directly the fact that I have never been to a school of philosophy that talks a lot about existence, I have never been spending too much time reading and referring books of the Great philosophers that history has witnessed: Kant, Nietzsche, Aristotle…etc (I admit the fact that they exist both emotionally and logically felt but they are my next Plan B, a plan apart from my previous Plan A, a pan to understand occurrences of ideas based on my individual power of perception and cognition, a phenomenon that I call Investigative Curiosity (Ic)). In addition, I also believe in the major statement that ‘consciousness is the beginning of life!’, an idea that came to me from my Ancestors, the Nubians and their counterparts and brothers, the Egyptians from a common religion practiced in ancient days in both lands, Heru Ankh Amen.

This confession-like statement of my visionary observation sounds crazy in my country, Ethiopia. It is even taken to the brink of madness and insanity, though the vast majority of people have got this illusive belief in “madness in curiosity” or the how they came to immerse themselves in this sense of self-defeating realism that they think they should apply to everyone. Those groups of people believe that any other person out of their ‘dilettantish’ group existed because they gave that person their lung to breathe with, their heart to pump blood with, their brain to think with, their sense organs to perceive with…etc.

As a person of Ethiopian citizenship I am always among them, the Ethiopians of the Present century, physically but not logically, whether they accept it or not, for I have the moral duty to do that. They mostly think I should believe in their lame idea that ‘an individual had never, have never, never will bring any change without their direct assistance.’ This suggestion extends itself to the point of even murdering those people, who have failed to follow the suit given. But honestly speaking, I am not the type of guy who believes in that credo of the unconscious sphere because I am physically threatened or offered illogical choices, choices of obscurity and blindness.

To put it straight, let us take individuals who have made a difference (MAD), oxymoronically understood by the groups of people above. In the 17th c, Galileo Galilei, proved that the earth revolves around the sun, that is the way it is, but the mass led and confused by the Pope in Rome, still an individual, continued their attempts to ostracize him to the point of convicting him in a blaspheme order, that he is a devil himself and a devil that bedevils others. All this is happening not because he is really devil but because he is not using the group’s time telescope in to the past, the present and the future. He was convicted as a ‘criminal’ because of who he is.

Let us take a second example. Nimrod, the son of Cush, the man stated in the Bible as a man of extraordinary powers in archery and architecture. Nimrod was also another ‘devil’ that existed in history that even the educated man believes needs to be eliminated ignoring his contributions to human being’s conscious that are harnessed today without question.

Remember The Tower of Babel Nimrod built in Ancient Babylon? For me it is a physically existent object rather it is a metaphorical statement of his power of surpassing the philosophical limit of the day. The Tower as the vast majority of people had understood, are understanding and will continue to understand, is an object used a ladder to reach the so-close sky of the day to communicate with God. And for me it is rather a curiosity to cross the line of understanding and cognition of the time based on Mysticism practiced by few individuals of mass appeal and obedience for they feel that they will exist no more if they oppose or reject or subjectively investigate the situation. But in the end such an act of IC has not ended there, either Galileo’s belief in the Heliocentric View or Nimrod’s Tower of Babel though they not arrived in the 21st c exactly the way they were formulated or viewed in their days.

In the end, coming back to my major premise, “I exist for those for who I exist!” I would like to say that our individual existence could still be an antithesis to the non-existence of the mass’s mob mentality that discourages understanding and is a synthesis of the individual who aspires in the field of IC.

As such though my existence is obscure to the ignorant, it is still meaningful to the imaginative human being, a being that ‘pulls the strings of history to his own pursuit’ by his own effort. And still, despite that, I exist by introspection (ideally in imaginative human brain) and by extrospection (physically felt by the sense organs), dimensions that give essence to the real existence of mine. That is why I am not expected or am responsible in order to make the ignorant understand that I exist in his sense, rather in the context of the philosophically curious and researching man, a thriving being.

On the other hand, a man’s death is only half part of that man’s non-existence; he physically wanes but ideally he is still in the brains of both the ignorant and the attentive. Despite the attempt of the ignorant to neglect the existence of others, things will continue existing regardless of his personal ‘dilettantism’.

Courtesy: Shift Canada
To date human being’s existence as a conscious race of the animal kingdom has been compromised by various catastrophes of different places and times. That is to say human beings in their history of existence were creatures of at least two existences according to Rene Descartes‘s theoretical explanation of the identity of mankind- Res cogitans, existence of the mind, the thinking portion of human being’s intelligent unit of the body that controls the rest of the organs that compose human being, the continued existence of the physical existence of human beings (as a matter composed of anti-matters) in its somatic form-Res extensa.

Through the history of 6000 years of civilization, human beings were experiencing prosperity and perils, life and death, wealth and poverty, war and peace, civilization and the destruction of that glorious age of their highest existence, freedom and slavery, natural disasters of various kinds (flooding, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, land slides, hurricanes, thunderstorms, Tsunami’s …etc), nuclear catastrophes of recent times from Chernobyl to Fukushima (man-made), epidemic diseases of mostly bacterial and viral causes…etc… To put it plainly, human being was under the mighty influence of two great movers and shakers of his history: Man-made (Inside him) and Natural (Outside him) Catastrophes.

Out of those two categories of catastrophes, human beings have tried to overcome most of the natural calamities that were threats to their survival in relative terms, through their advancements in thinking and acting in the fields of Philosophy, Science and Technology at the most general level, though the vast majority of reactions to such dangers took thousands of years-the invention of Anti-biotic, for instance- needed great sacrifices of humans from the humble to the noble, the baby to the elder, the profane to the enlightened, the slave to the master… And what can be deduced at least at the analytic level of understanding is the fact that human beings were successful at eradicating some, managing many and being doubtful and vigilant, even confused and attacked accidentally, at and by the rest of the natural enemies of human being, which are found outside him- either mentally or physically but have their microcosmic models ideally sheltered in the brains of those humans of perpetual struggle against the two basic threats of their existence mentioned above.

But the problem arises on the other side of the looking glass, where human beings have lost the power of controlling the anthropogenic, (man-made) threats: wars, ethnic cleansing, slavery, identity crises, economic down turn, hostile arms race, cultural eclipse where people cover their face with a mask that never fits (other people’s identity practiced without the intention to defend one’s own and the ignorance that the second, borrowed culture is the best, the false mask that never fits). Out of those ‘man-eaters’ of human beings’ creations, though some of them were given relatively safe-deposit boxes (Pandora’s Boxes), as an asylum with a committed lock, while others were left in the hot sun to melt, evaporate and eventually be inhaled by their creators.

Among those, one of such things left without custodians or what can be labelled orphan man-made catastrophe, is IDENTITY MANIA (Identity crises), to be discussed in this article of observation and analysis. This chapter of the history of human beings has been a piece of the mirror of the history of humanity of human beings at different times, among different people and in different kingdoms and empires of the world. Identity, the power of consciousness built upon the pillars of conscience could probably have received hospitality from the Ancients than the Presents, for the Ancients believed, “Consciousness if the beginning and essence of life” as distinct from the realm of the unconscious class of the dead, the ideally non-existent creation and life is a line of reference for comparing the power of each and every living and non-living creatures of this 4.5 billion years old, mystic Earth. Though it has been developing and later became consolidated conspiracy theory of human being itself, to control, eliminate, confuse and sometimes convince the human race he thinks is suffering from Inferiority Complex, of his own invention what has come to be left alone in a no-man’s land without custodians who could be guarding it against its growth and destruction.

As I have tried to explain above the Ancients were relatively better at managing their heritages of light or dark kinds. For instance, in Ancient Nubia and Egypt, the people of both kingdoms strive to know their environment from their inner self, their identity to the outer vast horizon of the Universal Kingdom of Space, though the degree to which there is a flexibility either of the state or the people to have or allow this attempt to understand and use it to one’s advantage varies spatially and temporally. And one of those activities of Investigative Curiosity was the major theme of this essay, is the issue of identity consciousness and preservation. Identity in the context of this essay should be understood as having two faces: [1] A thing to be expressed either in form of differences or similarities, a major area of interest in the fields of studies like Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology, Politics of Identity…etc. [2] in the form of having attributes that compose a unique conscious creature, the human being, another explanation from Ayn Rand’s Philosophy of Objectivism. Corresponding to [1], as to the part that constitutes similarities human beings are mostly ignorant of the potential of these homogeneity-based characteristics, to divide mankind into poles and make him engage in mutually destructive game of thrones for he emotionally and morally thinks they are the symbols of humanity in the form of a consensus of peace and harmony towards a common frontier of uncertain and spontaneous catastrophes due to greater degree of ignorance. On the difference frontier, a frontier that could emerge from distinctions based on race, religion, language, wisdom, material wealth, physical stamina, gender, color…etc, the same parameters for the similarity frontier above, mankind’s power of managing them in a harmonious and balanced, logical manner shows frequent signs of faltering. Though the reasons for the failure are not mostly clearly stated or are left to be a common knowledge in acquiescence, due to various other interrelated and complex reasons, these failures have proved to be futile and fatal to the existence of human beings as a conscious and ‘conceptual’ being and species of the animal kingdom.

As we commonly know previously, for the vast majority of the people of world, identity crises of various sorts (racial, religious, knowledge-based [philosophical crisis] , economic, social on the most general levels) have been endangering the survival of a certain group of people as an independent, conscious, and self-directing creatures.

And later on, these pandemic strikes repeated over time have shown a tendency of them being worn by some individuals of unconscious background, either due intentionally or by ignorance , and with and artificially embedded consciousness, who have no idea about its ends. The first sight of those individuals oriented by external sense of self-image reinforced by people of outside and distinct identity, they have been witnessed exhibiting a typical behavior of exchanging the wrong mask and haunting themselves for the very mistake they made in letting themselves do that act and for they have found themselves wearing the wrong face. Those people either noble or humble, wealthy or modest, were human beings hatched from the right egg but were found sucking from the wrong breast. A phenomenon we see in the Children’s Classical story, “The Ugly Duck”. And what happens through time is that their accusation against the depravity of the identity, despite by their own ignorant move and choice, have made them look for scapegoats to blame and to bear the shame of their ignorance for them while it should have been them, as pioneers and initiators of the trouble, who should answer the question WHY not themselves inside-out and start the Identity Recovery Project by themselves for it is logically to them that the task belongs and no one might care for them, if they have failed to do it right away on their own in the first position.

In order to cover up their weaknesses above, they have been engaged in spreading the seeds of ideal self-denial, profanity, ethnic hatred, and above all, the destructive poisonous seeds of the unconsciousness ivy of Identity Mania, abnormal state of losing the mirror of humanity that could have served the purpose of being self-conscious either in terms of introspection or extrospection [topics to be discussed in the future].

Despite this mania have been torturing the minds of many people through the eons and at various stages of human history, what has been observed in this state of confusion is that the disease has been released out of Pandora’s Box once, and its span of control arranged by the higher degree of human beings ignorance to deter it, for its ever expanding and fatal mental infections was minimal as compared to the capability available to human beings to deter, minimize and eradicate it.

To conclude the story there are certain questions that demand answers from readers of this article, for the simple narration of the case might create misconceptions save that it may even over simplify its real features. Despite that, the major questions to be addressed by Dear Readers are the following:
  1. Why and How did Identity mania basically emerge? When and where, if possible.
  2. How long would it continue to make such identity-less zombies?
  3. How long would it take to solve this puzzle?
  4. What approaches and methods are there to hospitalize Identity Mania, if the time frame for its management is pre-determined or not?
  5. If there is a solution found, how long would it be sustained?


Courtesy: Reform Magazine UK
I need to resurrect for I am dead among people who have died twice- before, death in this earthly and humanly realm and after, in the realm of the dead, the afterlife. My power of surviving alive from this necrocracy is a sign of glory and exuberance, while being among those dead cadavers is a sign of humility. In here, the house of the INSULTED & HUMILIATED is so wide that it incorporates the non-sense and the naive at a wider scale and scope. Millions of dead people from an isolated and barren necropolis wherever they go, are sowing the seeds of hatred, ignorance and profanity. No sign of life! Only their dead spirits lurk day or night.

As for me, I was in acute need of people with the soul and virtue in their blood and mind, necessary for enlightenment and spiritual exaltation of human beings to lead a life of consciousness, but not people whose switches to life are destroyed that they cannot be boot again.

Dead forever! I think they will make Osiris, the Master of the Underworld in Ancient Nubian and Egyptian Mythologies, heart-broken and unemployed so that he can’t measure their poor soul for they have died twice.

They died once and for all! Never coming back again! They went away with their dead spirit ad infinitum with no reverse way back to life, a life of consciousness and conscience. Those dead people’s history of living on earth and being the chosen and enlightened ones either in the PROLOGUE or EPILOGUE of life are null documents of and extraordinarily tabula rasic flavor.

Few people are alive here, for the only reason reason that there are many dead people around. Those dead matters give the datum line for measuring the amount of life in those so-called few alive people.

Here, the critical question is, “Why do people of those sorts (dead people in terms of consciousness) follow such a path of extinction than flowing through the ”Fall of Youth’ that entails the essence of life?”

And the Wise Advise, you ask? Non scholae sed vitae discimus. We don't learn for school's sake!

Courtesy: GoPixPic

Currently I am a graduate class, university student, major in Political Science and International Relations in one of the newly established Ethiopia’s higher learning institutions. As a university student or as someone who is ready and equipped with the mission of shaping his future I have ambitions supported by my dedication and commitment like any other self-recognizing fellow human being. In this endeavor I always try to be as flexible, handsome, smart and wise; part of my plans of shaping my destiny and build identity: THE “WHO I AM” part of my existence as an animal with an innovative brain;  despite my camouflage tactics which people may not easily comprehend than prematurely judging those conducts.
Apart from these as a social animal due to scarcities of various kinds (mostly material needs) I tend to share rooms and spaces with many “friends” or campus-mates of mine. In this way I have witnessed a web of relationships I have built with those pals positively or negatively; rightly or wrongly; day or night; materially or ideally…etc.
As an individual capable of shaping the future-“the undiscovered country”** in the way I desire with respect to my power I mostly expect such acts and inherent behaviors from behaviors from my friends as an expecting animal because of two basic reasons:
  1. as creatures running for self-actualization based on private aspirations, inspirations, commitment and devotion and,
  2. as students of social sciences, especially, behavioral sciences of the stream: political science, sociology, civics, history as well as geography, which are the main gateways to deciphering some of the secrets of digging in to the ideas of fate, survival, destiny, means, ends, causes, courses, effects, pros, cons, solutions…etc to the challenges faced by the endeavors in #1 and the opportunities they bring forth and are disciplines that teach humans to be acting on one’s own capacity, will, power, and desires.
based on the above two basic analytic approaches of mine to judge people based on circumstances and evidences capable of producing reasonable arguments I critically regretted at what I have arrived at with perceptual and relatively rational premises I have at hand. Clearly stating the inductions are as follows:
  1.  For most of my fellow brethren have failed to recognize the power in them they measure and assess their friends based primarily on WHAT THEY ARE not by WHO THEY ARE. This reality existing clearly a specific and particular TIME SPACE CONVERGENCE (TSC) which they deny in an attempt to “defend” themselves emotionally than rationally as a superior animal race with a grand vision are if really recognized and studied thoroughly are MALICIOUS THOUGHTS THAT COULD DESTROY THEIR FREEDOM OF CHOICE, especially for the future. In addition, the WHO people is part of the conscious existence of individuals, the one that the WHAT they are component of existence as creatures of an EXTRAORDINARY thinking power and investigative curiosity  that tends to be expanding everyday. I mostly see MATERIALS being appreciated and valued better than IDEAS worth taking into critical judgment and    a serious account. FOODS, CLOTHES, DRINKS, BLOOD TIES, SOCIALLY-CONSTRUCTED THEORY OF EXPLOITATION …etc with all their material manifestations are on the scene of the loosely organized CAMPUS PUBLIC SPHERE. Those things mostly are easy to comprehend for any AVERAGE THINKER as well as perceivable to anyone with THE USUAL EMPLOYMENT OF THE 5 BASIC SENSES. What if those things are considered secondary elements of human beings’ ideal existence for they are recognized created, destroyed, developed, sustained, analyzed…etc though some still remain basic to human existence based on the ideas and IMAGINATIONS we have in our NATURAL MASTER CONTROL MACHINE, OUR BRAIN than our perceptual senses in our BRAWN?

    The other common culture that I came across in connection with this personal level of analysis #1 is the issue of MOB MENTALITY, the INABILITY TO REPRESENT ONESELF either FOR FAILURE OF RECOGNIZING INDIVIDUAL POWER or the IGNORANCE and FAILURE to understand and know things by oneself and RELYING in an unnecessary way on the mass either for defending one’s own FEEBLE ideas or offending other probable threats to those ideas for the ‘purity’ of representing oneself has been the result of IGNORANCE as well as INTENTION by DEFAULT for it was based on ILLOGICAL CHOICE and it is A GREAT CATASTROPHE FOR SUCH EXISTENCE OF A MAN STRUGGLING TO BUILD HIS IDENTITY.
  2. The very ideas of ENLIGHTENMENT, INITIATION, LIBERTY, FREEDOM, THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, THE PURSUIT OF WISDOM, PRIVACY, PRIVATE SPHERE OF LIFE…etc propagated everyday now and then through those disciplines for a matter of CONVENIENT INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE, PHILOSOPHICAL EXISTENCE AS A SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE, OF TRANSFERRING HISTORICAL LEGACIES of the life and fate of people right from the ANCIENT WORLD through FOLKTALES, FABLES, NOVELS, POEMS, MUSICS, and most of all through BOOKS for MEN MAY NOT LIVE FOREVER and should have to STOP SOMEWHERE TO LET OTHERS LIVE ON THEIR REMAINS teach the lessons of being oneself, the part human’s SPIRITUAL EXISTENCE in the form of VIRTUE AND VICE to be utilized subjectively better than ever before with the increasing UNPRECEDENTED ACCESS to resources, especially, INFORMATION. This may seem a HUMBLE OPINION from MEEK PEOPLE but it is the REALITY, the specific time-space coincidence that happened around me and came to my attention through my travelogue of three years the so-called UNIVERSITY SOCIAL LIFE (USL).
Hence, what I would like to earnestly forward to MYSELF and to my FRIENDS as well as to the people who read this article of faith is that WE HAVE TO EXPAND THE SCOPE OF OUR CURIOSITIES FROM EARLY CHILDHOOD till we became GROWN UPS first and foremost to HARVEST THE POWER WITHIN US; invisible, invincible, enduring, exuberant, cunning…than invest the FEEBLE ideas coming easily rolling to the tip of our tongue lacking mature judgment which we may ACCIDENTALLY use to judge others PREMATURELY.
You know what I am ASHAMED of mostly? It is the failure of this generation of ours, especially, THE YOUTH, to preserve PHILOSOPHY (to think and act in one’s own likeness), identity (the power to build up our self-reliance through better utilizing our mind), history, science…consistently; the essential components of human beings who wish themselves to do what they deserve and teach others to do the same in their own subjective fashion than an objective dictate imposed from a classical ancestral worship of accepting things at face value no need of questioning and its continued satisfactions with the sole advancements in the TECHNOLOGICAL SPHERE, a means to produce materials and mostly develop skills the power of thinking beyond material aspirations most of the time than offering little time to preserve identity.
As individuals born for SPECIAL MISSIONS to shape our life in our own way I would like to say in brief that THE NEED FOR BEING OURSELVES should have to be INHERENT with in us for the failure to do so could take us in to the vast SWAMP OF IDENTITY CRISIS and if this Human Identity Building Project (HIBP) fails we have the responsibility to defend our MENTAL PSYCHIC IDENTITY from going BANKRUPT and at last DEMOLISH.
As for me there are no needs for awaiting accidental INSPIRATIONS we may contract from books, ‘great people’, and advices from elders at the minimal level rather than trying to expand this to oneself.

*higher learning is a movie about the disrupted identity crises among students among students that later became the source of a serious civil strife in the university of columbus
**a quote from the sci-fi movie “star trek vi”

This article was written on the afternoon on 21 May 2012 while sitting in one of the local cafés outside the university campus in which I reside!